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Dictionary of My Life

We move in circles
Balanced all the while
On a gleaming razor's edge
A perfect sphere
Colliding with our fate
This story ends where it began


Azwan - Takeshi

20th March 1992.

A 21-year old body with a mind far beyond comprehension.

-Qifa Primary Sch
-Bukit View Secondary Sch
-Ngee Ann Polytechnic
-Specialist Cadet Sch 15/13

I'm a:
-Anime Otaku
-Audio-visual Freelance

Things I love:
-Speed Biking
-Elsa (elec guit)
-Belle (acoustic guit)
-Dust (semi-acoustic guit)
-Skating (land/ice)
-Badminton / Tennis
-My cat
-Siti Nurhidayah Binte Osman <3

I don't dare to kill even an ant.
p.s Kill animals and I'll hunt you down.

I may be quiet most of the time.
But if you're willing to talk, I may talk for kilometers. =P


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Azwan Takeshi

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"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” - Ernest Hemingway"

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    Thursday, June 18, 2009
    Hey guys!!!!
    Sorry for not updating for soooooo long. Once i thought to myself whether I should delete it or not, but NAH! I'll now try to use Singlish to update this "almost-dead" thingy.. yea cos i haven't been using Singlish lately and i don't wanna be dubbed 'too slang'. Yea so..

    Wah! Sibei tired sia! Everydae wake up go school come back go school come back. Sian liao ar. Project oso havent do. So many thing to do. Must do research. Must interview foreigner. What crap nia! Until i damn STM can dunno i got blog one.

    I so bored.Now got skates. Everyday urban skate ar. Duno what to do. At night skate skate till 12++. Nice ar. But the wheels got flat spot. And the bearings CMI. Bo bian still use ah!

    Oh yea. I super tired sia. Last Thursdae, skate in sch. Friday got tutoring, then sraightaway got skate. Need to teach. Then Sat-Mon got skate camp. Then Tue go out wif my sec schoolmates. Go cycling summore. Sibei fun ar! But too tired already, where got fun. Then today go jogging with mum n sis. Later got tutoring again. Tmr teach skates summore. Anw money hard to earn ar. Now keeping money to buy new wheels and bearings for my skates. Money very fast finish one. U eat alr how much. Transport how much. Still got my laptop, hp bill, sch fees, seriously can die. I like, supporting myself sia. Liddat better live alone what. More fun.

    Wah, like this i dun want delete this blog alr ah! Like very fun to keep liddat. Want to put many many picture, but i pure lazy. Now damn tired, bo liao, bo lui, duno wat to do, just wait till 4 lor. 4pm later got tutoring what.

    Hahas! So how was my Singlish? Well I rate it 1/5. Yea. Maybe. Yea btw i gotta go soon, so I think, if I'm free, I'll update again later at night, while I'm doing my project.




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